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Category: For Everyone

Should I Go to Grad School?

Should I Go to Grad School?

It’s that time of the year again. The fall semester is starting up again, with students back on campus, classes back in session, and pumpkin spice starting to creep up everywhere. For me, I can sense the impending start of the semester much sooner than these telltale signs. My email starts to wake up from its summer hibernation around early August. Some of these emails include rising seniors who have been playing around with the idea of grad school. For…

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The First Dollar Bill

The First Dollar Bill

We are all familiar with the framed “first dollar” (or the first whatever) hanging on the wall of the mom and pop restaurant or the big corporation that started in a garage. The purpose of this post is not to claim its frame-worthy-ness, though if my blog takes off and this post is really what started “it all”, I’d be okay with that! No, truthfully this post for me is what Bezos calls Day 1 (in honor of Prime Day…

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